February 6, 2023

RASE Safety Assistance, Inc., a non-profit organization based in Billings, Montana, has been a charitable destination organization registered with Smile.Amazon.com since we formed.

Amazon is discontinuing the program. Thank you to the many supporters of RASE SA that have designated RASE SA as their charity. The money received, although modest, has been a help for our supported athletes.

Summarizing, Amazon states that they as an organization can have a larger and more direct impact upon the programs that they consider substantive if they direct their corporate charitable giving. You can read more about the Amazon decision at https://www.aboutamazon.com/news/company-news/amazon-closing-amazonsmile-to-focus-its-philanthropic-giving-to-programs-with-greater-impact  If you or your business were signed up to direct contributions to RASE Safety Assistance, THANK YOU. We're bummed to see the program sunset.

Regardless of what Amazon does, WE NEED YOU. We'd love to have you directly join out team. If you are interested in making a tax deductible donation, we can set you up on a monthly donation basis, you can donate directly through the site, or you can send a check to our Billings, MT office. Please visit https://www.rasesafetyassistance.org for more information about direct payments (preferred because we can avoid the on line processing fees).

There is no excuse for allowing our young people out on the track without the very best in safety equipment.

  • As an approved 501(c)(3), RASE Safety Assistance, Inc. is now authorized to accept tax deductible donations. Please send your check, money order or safety equipment donation to:

Michael J. Marsh

RASE Safety Assistance, Inc.

1304 16th ST West

Billings, MT 59102

The small print:
Charitable donations that are deemed tax deductible are specific to each individual circumstance and situation. Please consult your tax professional.