February 17, 2023
Billings, Montana
RASE Safety Assistance, Inc., a non-profit organization based in Billings, Montana, is pleased to announce that 2023 Safety Grants have been released to approved recipients.
We issued the 2023 Safety Grant checks today to 20 young flat track motorcycle racing athletes ranging in age from 4 - 35.
Our mission is to provide funding for young racers to obtain the best, current safety gear such as helmets, neck restraints, air vests, airbag suits and boots. Keeping these kids safe became a life's mission after I was involved in a serious on track incident in 2005.
Check us out at https://www.rasesafetyassistance.org and please consider a one time or recurring donation. 100% of donated proceeds go to the kids, all of the costs of the operations and admin are covered by Michael and his oldest daughter Lauren.
Our wishes to everyone for a SAFE and productive 2023 ! #safety #funding
Thank you to members of the RASE SA board, Nicholas Gabel and folks from flat track community and insurance claims industry who have felt strongly in agreement with our vision to have donated funds supplementing Michael's personal donation for this year's grants to go out.
Grant recipients for 2023 are:
- Declan Bender
- Tyler Raggio
- Wyatt Vaughan
- Michael Mowery
- Cody Mishey
- Cohen Loewrigkeit
- Treygan Birdsong
- Braxton Ragan
- Eleanor Pugh
- Jaycee Jones
- Tyler Rogers
- Hannah Lange
- Blake Miezejeski
- Jess Reynolds
- Oakley Inches
- Jaden Kennedy
- James Ott
- Amy McCoy and her daughters
- Sierra and Kylie Litten
- Zaria Martens
- Erik Hartley
A number of applicants have been delayed or denied due to the fact that we simply ran out of money for this season's grants. Flat Track athletes that we are holding on as we continue our efforts to raise additional funds:
- Logan McGrane
- Logan Eisenhard
- Andrew Luker
- Dan Jacobson
We are proud to once again hold to our promise that 100% of donation money received is returned to our RASEers in the form of Safety Grants. All admin, legal, insurance, etc expenses are covered by Lauren and Michael Marsh. We firmly believe in our mission: Provide funding for flat track athletes to allow access to the best safety equipment possible. Simple, honest mission. We need to all join together to keep the athletes in our beloved sport as safe as possible.
We'd love to have you join out team. If you are interested in making a tax deductible donation, please visit https://www.rasesafetyassistance.org for more information. You can donate directly through the site, or you can send a check to our Billings, MT office. Direct payments are preferred because we can avoid the on line processing fees.
There is no excuse for allowing our young people out on the track without the very best in safety equipment.
Michael J. Marsh
RASE Safety Assistance, Inc.
1304 16th ST West
Billings, MT 59102
Thank you to everyone for assistance in the formation of RASE Safety Assistance and helping us get the right safety equipment out to our beloved athletes.