April 26, 2022
Billings, Montana
RASE Safety Assistance, Inc., a non-profit organization based in Billings, Montana, is pleased to announce the final Safety Grant awards for 2022. Twenty three (23) flat track athletes from across the United States were provided Safety Grant funding.
The 2020 RASE athletes (who we refer to as RASEers...pronounced like "racers") have each shown a level of safety awareness and desire to conduct themselves in a safe manner.
The 2020 RASEers are:

Mr. Marsh has learned from his own experience the importance of having high quality safety equipment when participating in the sport of flat track. He had a number of serious incidents in his amateur and professional flat track careers. In one incident, his wearing of a neck restraint limited his neck injuries to fractured vertebrae. With the level and location of impact on his head (which broke the helmet), the neck restraint no doubt saved him from a spinal chord injury...or worse.
Michael experience on the board of Rookies of '79 charity has been eye-opening. Rookies has been providing non-medical monetary support to injured flat track racers since 2009. Unfortunately, in 2021, we saw far too many serious injuries in our sport.
We need to CHANGE THE DISCUSSION about safety in flat track. RASE Safety Assistance and our individual and corporate partners will raise awareness and reduce injuries in our beloved sport.
This starts for our organization in 2022. 23 racers from all across the US have been provided funding to be put towards new helmets, boots, air bag suits, inflation vests and neck restraints. Look for the RASE logo and thank these amazing young people for their desire to work with us to make the flat track racing experience safer by wearing and promoting state of the art safety gear and research.
Michael has seen far too many of his sponsored athletes injured or killed since 2003. He encourages each person to consider continued giving to the Rookies of '79. Their mission is important and needed to support injured riders and their families. The Rookies mission, however, is AFTER the fact, AFTER injuries occur. RASE Safety Assistance is BEFORE injuries take place. Both organizations serve an important need in such a dangerous sport as flat track racing.
If you are so inclined, please consider us in your annual giving plans. And if you represent a company that does business in the motorcycle industry or research and manufacture of personal safety devices we would love to develop an ongoing partnership.
Please visit our website at https://www.rasesafetyassistance.org or if you prefer, you can send your check, money order or safety equipment donation to:
- Michael J. Marsh
- RASE Safety Assistance, Inc.
- 1304 16th ST West
- Billings, MT 59102